Acqulior is new fashion startup, emphasising on sustainability and transparency in how they operate their company.
The photoshoot’s narrative is about how Acqulior is a future intergalactic organisation of historians who solved starvation, climate collapse and other human challenges, who time traveled to present-day earth. The Acquliors want to understand how the world came to be and the actions of those in the past. They also want to influence human history towards the direction that they are in now, a world of acceptance and mutual respect, scientific advancements and empathy for others.
Photography, 2019
Behind the scenes
Model: @mila.vidanovic @auguust8 @vanillavahbiz
Hair/Makeup: @stephanielynn @auguust8
Set: @acqulior_00_acacia @revana3639 @allanyeo @kessie_z @xcrucifixus
Director: @acqulior_00_acacia @allanyeo
Photography: @allanyeo
Producer: @revana3639